After having so much success and excitement with the Hour of Code, Bellevue Public Schools provided a follow up training for those teachers interested in learning more and moving their students beyond the Hour of Code. The training was provided by and led by Dr. Kent Steen. After completion of the training, teachers received the Code Studio curriculum for free, which is geared for elementary students grades K-5.
Participants enjoyed the variety of activities in this fast-paced session. “The courses blend online, self-guided and self-paced tutorials with “unplugged” activities that require no computer at all. Each course consists of about 20 lessons that may be implemented as one unit or over the course of a semester, ” according to the website.
Computer science related jobs continue to grow at an accelerated pace yet courses and curriculum remain sparse across the United States. According to the website, there are 3,680 open computing jobs in Nebraska and only 557 computer science graduates, while only 36 schools teach computer science. An exposure to coding concepts at an early age help foster a love of computer science and will help improve these numbers. Empowering teachers with the tools to confidently lead students down this path are the first steps to coding kids. “There's a big difference between knowing how to use technology and knowing how to create technology,” said Steen. With these tools teachers will be able to encourage and support the creation of technology.
Steen kicked off the high energy training with a combination of movement, music, collaboration, problem solving, humor, and even juggling! Teachers were actively engaged in their learning all day. In addition, teachers completed 15 of their own code puzzles online and practiced teaching a lesson to other attendees in a concept called Teacher-Learner-Observer (T-L-0). In cooperative groups, teachers developed a lesson and taught their peers. It was exciting to see the different ways there were to teach the same lesson. For example, in a lesson on graph paper programming, we had activities ranging from dancing to using a graphing whiteboard. Teachers saw how easy coding tied to their curriculum. “Teaching looping in coding is like teaching repeated addition and multiplication,” said Lisa Keene, 4th grade teacher.
worked through the activities led by Dr. Steen. “I Love the collaboration piece of using computer science with students,” said Susan Schildhauer, media specialist. “Coding is a real world skill.”
This interactive and upbeat training left teachers with multiple ideas for implementing coding into their classroom ranging from after school clubs to summer school classes. “I am thinking of doing a semester of code with my 4th grade students,” said Garrett Sims. Another idea was to expand on coding in the summer. “I also thought about coding as a summer school course,” said Lisa Keene, 4th grade teacher at Leonard Lawrence.
Enjoy this video that captures the day in images and words.
Are you coding with your students? Drop us a comment and share your favorite coding stories with us.