I just learned about a great app, Haiku Deck, from my colleague @jennykbps. I LOVE it! Haiku Deck allows you to create stunning presentations on the iPad. It is intuitive, easy to create and edit, and most of all easy to share. It is an image based application and the images available will blow your mind. Best of all, presentations can be Tweeted, shared out to Facebook, embedded, or shared via a link.
I can envision students using this app for classroom presentations. With ample access to i0S devices, this would be the tool of choice for making visual aids for speeches, presentations on a topic, or challenge based learning projects. Combined with an Apple TV, Haiku Deck presentations would be a natural part of the classroom workflow. You can get the FREE Haiku Deck app at http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/haiku-deck/id536328724?mt=8
-Written by Ann Feldmann @techiefeldie
Check out what I made for our new teacher training today!
We're so happy to hear that you're enjoying Haiku Deck. We're particularly interested in how it's being used by teachers and students, so please let us know how it's going!