You are going to see a hash tag #FF on Friday. This stands for Follow Friday. People will tweet off people in their network on Fridays with @mentions of people in their network. This means they are suggesting you follow them and this is also a big compliment to them. A #FF is a tweet filled with people who are tweeting great things in their personal learning network (PLN).
#FF build your PLN with these awesome educators: @techiefeldie @j_allen @Coach_Sautter @catlett1 @mrbadura @jennykbps
This is a compliment to each person included in the #FF tweet.
The #FF’s also make it a simple, quick, easy way to find people to follow. Since they are recommended by others as Twitter rockstars, they could be a great additions to your PLN! Just click the names and follow them!
Our #TT4T #FF’s:
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