Gina Stukenholtz, Teri Clapper, and I are going on a five week adventure that I am calling Purposeful Padding in the Math Classroom. Over the next few weeks, 23 students will complete Unit 3 from start to finish using an iPad, specific apps, and their gmail accounts.
Purposeful padding means that we will be intentionally selecting appropriate apps and activities to transform learning. Melhuish and Falloon (2010) said that, “For applications to be effective as part of an individual’s learning pathway they must be pedagogically sound in their design,foster interactions that is grounded in M-Learning theory, rather than focusing solely on content, engagement or ‘edutainment’.” (1)
We recognize the iPad is a personal device, so for this project, each student will be assigned their own iPad for the project. They will personalize the iPad with their e-mail and home/lock screen and use it daily in the classroom and throughout the school day. However, at this time, students will not be able to iPads home.
Topics we will cover in Unit 3 include, LCM & GCF, Divisibility Rules, Fractions, and Vocabulary (multiple, factor, sum, difference, product, quotient, GCF, LCM, numerator, denominator). Pearson curriculum materials will be used along with the free and purchased apps.
Apps for the Unit
- Socrative: Socrative is a free app for multiple choice and short answer formative assessments and exit tickets.
- We will use it every day to review one to two questions from the previous day to check for understanding.
- Responses will be automatically recorded and available immediately to download as a spreadsheet.
- Students will use the Socrative App for the daily bell ringer and discussion.
- Doceri: Doceri allows them to write and record notes and homework on an endless chalkboard.
- Students will use Doceri App for note taking, homework, and vocabulary.
- Their work will be saved on the iPad to the camera roll and shared via e-mail with the teachers.
- Students will demonstrate mastery of concepts by both written work and with their oral explanations. They will convince us they have a thorough understanding of the concept by annotating over their work as they verbally explain the topic using the recording feature in Doceri.
- These screencasts will be shared via e-mail to the teachers. To aid in the written notes, a stylus will be provided to each students.
- Google Drive: We are a Google Apps for Education School District (GAFE). Students will use the Google Drive to access Google Docs for daily journaling their growth towards reaching both district goals and individual student goals.
- Students will share this Google Doc with all three teachers so we can read and add comments to their docs throughout the unit!
- Fast Facts Math: This app on the basics skills will be used for remediation on basic skills. Student will use this app two minutes a day to improve their speed and accuracy on multiplication and division, key skills for being able to factor successfully.
- Results will be e-mailed to the teacher.
- Middle School Math: This app will be used for RTI.
- This factoring section of this app will be used for reinforcement of factoring skills.
- Results will be e-mailed to the teachers.
Summary of Participants, Apps, and Materials
Gina Stukenholtz - 7th Grade Teacher
23 iPads, Stylus, and Ear Bugs
Teri Clapper - Resource teacher
Apps synced to the iPads using Apple Configurator
Ann Feldman - District Technology Trainer
Apps purchased with the Volume Purchasing Plan
One Math Class
Apple TV w/HDMI cable
Twenty three- 13-14 year students
HDMI Converter box
1 Melhuish, K. & Falloon, G. (2010). Looking to the future: M-learning with the iPad. Computers in New Zealand Schools:, page 11.
-Written by Ann Feldmann